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Section III: Academic Affairs

Policy Number: III-6.20(A)

University of Maryland Grading Symbols and Notations Used on Academic Transcripts

(Approved by the President Amended Amended effective fall 2012,Technical Amendments Amended and approved on an interim basis pending Senate review Amended )

Table of symbols used on students' permanent records and their descriptors
A+, A, A- Denotes excellent mastery of the subject and outstanding scholarship.
4.0 quality points per semester hour for the grades of "A+" and "A"
3.7 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "A-"
B+, B, B- Denotes good mastery of the subject and good scholarship.
3.3 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "B+"
3.0 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "B"
2.7 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "B-"
C+, C, C- Denotes acceptable mastery of the subject.
2.3 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "C+"
2.0 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "C"
1.7 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "C-"
D+, D, D- Denotes borderline understanding of the subject, marginal performance, and it does not represent satisfactory progress toward a degree.
1.3 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "D+"
1.0 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "D"
0.7 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "D-"
F Denotes failure to understand the subject and unsatisfactory performance.
0.0 quality points per semester hour for the grade of "F"
S This is a department option mark which may be used to denote satisfactory performance. This is not included in computation of cumulative average.
W Used to indicate withdrawal from a course after the end of the schedule adjustment period. This is not included in computation of cumulative average.
XF Used to indicate failure due to academic dishonesty. Treated in the same way as "F" for the purposes of cumulative average.
Aud A student may register to audit a course which has been designated as available under the audit option where space is available. This does not imply attendance or any other effort in the course.
Pass/Fail The mark of "P" is a student option mark, equivalent to a grade of C- or better. The student must inform the registrar’s office of the selection of this option by the end of the schedule adjustment period.
Incomplete The mark of "I" is an exceptional mark that is an instructor option. It is only given to a student whose work has been qualitatively satisfactory, when, because of illness or other circumstances beyond the student's control, he or she has been unable to complete some small portion of the work of the course. In no case will the mark "I" be recorded for a student who has not completed the major portion of the work of the course.
Repeat For information on the University’s repeat guidelines for undergraduate students, consult the Undergraduate Catalog. For graduate students, departments may permit a student to repeat a course in an effort to earn a better grade. Whether higher or lower, the most recent grade will be used in computing the grade point average. All grades for graduate students remain as part of the student’s permanent record.
Duplicate Course This is used to indicate two courses with the same course content. The second course is counted in cumulative totals unless an exception is made by the dean.
Non-app Used by the dean of the receiving college in cases of transfer from one college to another at UMCP to indicate courses in the previous academic program which are not applicable to the new program.
Excl Crd Excluded credit is noted when academic clemency has been granted.