Policy Number: VI-7.00(A)
University of Maryland, College Park Policy on Chaplains
(Approved by the president )
A. Introduction
For many years the relationship between the University and the chaplains has existed in an atmosphere of mutual cordiality, cooperation and respect. A broad range of religious traditions is represented by the chaplains and religious advisors at UMCP. Individually and collectively, they offer many services, including counseling, worship, student programs, personal growth groups, and opportunities for service involvement.
B. Establishing a Chaplaincy
Any religious organization wishing to establish a new chaplaincy at UMCP must apply to do so in writing to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Vice President for Student Affairs or a designated representative shall review the application to determine 1) whether the national organization is willing and able to financially support the chaplaincy; 2) whether there is a demand among the members of the campus community for such services.
C. Appointment of Chaplains
The nature of religious activity of chaplains is determined by their respective denominations. Chaplains are assigned to the campus by the religious organizations, and these bodies also remove or reassign their representatives at will.
The sponsoring religious organization shall notify the Vice President for Student Affairs in writing when a chaplain or religious advisor has been appointed to serve at UMCP. The assigned chaplain should be professionally qualified to represent the denomination, and shall be provided with official credentials to be presented to the Vice President for Student Affairs or a designated representative when a new appointment is made. The chaplain's credentials must be acceptable to the University insofar as extending campus privileges and the use of University facilities are concerned. Chaplains at UMCP receive the status and privileges of an associate staff member.
When a religious representative severs the relationship with UMCP, it is the responsibility of the sponsoring religious organization to notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designated representative.
D. Conduct of Chaplains
When present officially, chaplains become part of the UMCP community, and persons from whom the University has every right to expect responsible conduct. Should lapses occur, UMCP asserts the right to request the governing body of the chaplain's religious organization to consider its complaint and take such action as may be appropriate.
Should a disagreement arise between UMCP and an individual religious representative with reference to that person's conduct relative to UMCP or University System regulations or policies, the Vice President for Student Affairs or a designated representative shall:
- Notify in writing the religious representative and the proper representative of the religious organization of the disagreement.
- Should the disagreement not be resolved, a meeting among all concerned parties should be arranged within a reasonable period of time.
- If the issues are not resolved by discussion, UMCP reserves the right to withdraw its recognition and any campus privileges extended to the individual involved and shall so notify the individual's sponsoring religious organization.