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Back to Policy Section VIII: Fiscal and Business Affairs
Section VIII: Fiscal and Business Affairs

Policy Number: VIII-2.30(A)

University of Maryland, College Park Policies and Procedures for the Golden Identification Student Program


1. Policy

The Golden ID student program enables Maryland retirees to enroll in courses at the University of Maryland at College Park and receive certain other benefits. The program is designed to assist retirees who want to broaden their horizons, earn a degree, or simply learn more about the world in which they live. Golden ID students register on a space available basis and tuition is waived for up to three courses.

2. Eligibility

To be eligible to participate at the College Park Campus, an individual must be:

  1. 60 years of age or older, and
  2. a legal resident of Maryland , and
  3. not engaged in gainful employment for more than 20 hours per week.

3. Admission Procedure

  1. Non-degree UndergraduateTo apply to take courses as a Golden I.D. student, application must be made through the Undergraduate Admissions Office in the Mitchell Building.
  2. Undergraduate DegreeStudents wishing to acquire an undergraduate degree through the Golden I.D. Student Program must complete an Undergraduate Application and submit high school transcripts or GED results. Consultation with an advisor in the Undergraduate Advising Center must be sought by new undergraduate degree seeking students.
  3. Non-degree GraduateStudents wishing to take graduate courses must apply to the Graduate School Admissions Office and acquire Advanced Special Student status. College transcripts must be submitted.
  4. Graduate DegreeApplications for graduate degree programs must be made to the Graduate School, Room 2107 Lee Building. A Graduate Application must be submitted, accompanied by college transcripts, GRE results and necessary recommendations.

4. Registration

  1. Golden ID Registration DayA special registration day shall be scheduled for Golden ID students during the week prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
  2. Schedule AdjustmentGolden ID students may also register for classes or make adjustments in schedules by appointment during the first ten days of the semester, the Schedule Adjustment period.
  3. Summer SchoolGolden ID students register for Summer School only on the first day of each session.

5. Obtaining a Golden ID/Semester Transaction Card

The Golden ID and Semester Transaction Card are issued in Room 1108 of the Mitchell Building upon the completion of registration. The Golden I.D. card and a current registration card are needed to obtain most services.

6. Fees

  1. Golden ID students are exempt from tuition for up to three courses per semester.
  2. Golden ID students will pay the mandatory fees established for part-time undergraduate students, except for the health fee, the athletic fee, and the student activities fee.
  3. Golden ID students who wish to park their cars on campus will pay the parking fee established for commuting students.
  4. Golden ID students will pay the undergraduate or graduate application fee, as appropriate to their proposed admission status.
  5. Golden ID students may purchase tickets to athletic events at the same rates charged to faculty and staff employees.
  6. Golden ID students may purchase tickets to theater, music, dance and other campus events at the same rate charged to faculty and staff employees, or, if eligible, at the rates applicable for senior citizens, whichever are lower.
  7. Golden ID students have the same access to all campus recreational facilities that other students do. A separate recreational fee is assessed during the summer school sessions.